Big crunch
28th July 2006, 22.49
Alpine Resort – in bed with sore knees
New group again today – with Jim again and Pete, Claire, Kristine and Steve – good crew and glad to have Jim as a trainer. All the 13 week boarders were together for the first few runs and we had a bit of video. Jim explained that they’re taking stock of our riding now with a view to assessing our suitability for doing the dual NZSIA/BASI qualification.
Bit of a key point then, if the trainers don’t feel we’re up to it, then they’ll recommend that we focus on one qualification only – mixed feelings about that – I’d be gutted to not do both, but then it would be nice to have just one focus. Anyway we’ll see how things pan out.
The other big crunch I had today was trying some freestyle – hitting a kicker and trying a box. Both went abysmally wrong and ended up knee planting twice in quick succession. What made it worse was that Jim caught it all on video – certainly the most interesting and cringe-worthy feedback session I’ve had!
Still, I know what went wrong and was so close to pulling both off. I’m determined to nail them by the end of the season!