New toy!
6th September 2006, 21.59
On me sofa, having cleaned the kitchen
Awesome (must stop using that adjective…) day today – snow is still a bit rubbish today, but it was a bit colder today and there was a little fresh last night, so all in all, it wasn’t too bad! We had yesterday off-mountain because of the rain, but it was a good break.
I’m in a group with Tom as our trainer this week – still with Pete, Claire, Nipper and Chelsea. We’ve been working on improving our flow and moving fore and aft on the board a bit more. Had a bit of a breakthrough on Monday with Tom and practised it a bit today – starting to feel more fluid in my riding now. Still need to work on my heelside posture (I tend to break at the waist), but we did a great exercise with Neil last week that really helped – he dragged us around with a drag lift handle to get us to resist and stand up properly.
But the real exciting thing today was a new board! Having demoed the Burton Seven and not liking it, I tried a Capita Shapeshifter – and loved it! So, I’ve treated myself to one, managed to get quite a bit off cos it’s the end of the season and cos I’m a qualified instructor!.
Can’t wait to play with it tomorrow – looking forward to BASI exam now, feel less stressed about it, partly because of the style of the trainers and partly because I know I’ve got my NZSIA already.