to the Challenge’
4th August 2006, 18:00
Alpine Resort
Had a good-ish sort of day today – the trainers had a chat with us about our progress so far – they reckon that I’m not good enough to pass Stage 1 just yet, but if I improve at the rate I have been then I might be alright for the exam. Basically, it’s going to be really tough few weeks and I’ve got to put a lot of work in if I’m to pass – they said that I shouldn’t be surprised if I don’t pass.
As for the BASI exam, I’m even further away! It was better than I expected, but I know it’s going to be a big challenge. Just need to knuckle down and get on with it really!
On the plus side, I’m going heliboarding tomorrow. Just got back from stretch class – really good, feel much more relaxed now. Heading off to watch a DVD and chill out round at Ros’ place. The others have gone to the Burton Open to watch all the pro snowboarders, but I decided I could do with the stretch and a gentle night!