Snow legs
26th June 2006, 10.51
Bits and Bytes, but in my head Cardrona access road, nr Wanaka
Day one of the season, Claire and I headed to Cardrona (Cardy’s as it’s affectionately referred to) to get our snow legs back. First few runs were a bit ropey and a little nervous about whether I’m good enough, but totally stoked for the season – can’t wait!!
My first couple of runs were rubbish. But after a quick adjustment to take off the forward lean, I was flying again! Starting to carve again, but not particularly well.
The snow was good, nice and dry and no ice! A little cut up as it’s been a few days since the last snowfall, but good enough for a first day.
So a day off today, sorting out a few bits and bobs, then heading to Treble Cone (TC) on Tuesday for our first ride on the mountain that will be ours by October.