The Daily English Show
So today was an interesting day. My back was still causing me trouble, so I called in sick at work and came home early. My friend Sarah runs a brilliant english language podcast called The Daily English Show and she asked if I’d do an interview for it. I rocked up to Samurai bar in Hirafu and gave my little interview, which will be on the site shortly.
After my addition to my fifteen minutes of fame, I came back to Unitas and found a few of the boys setting up a little jib outside one of the houses, so I spent the afternoon shooting and am pretty pleased with the results!
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[](http://www.dkcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/20081110_4682.jpg) [](http://www.dkcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/20090430_6897.jpg) [](http://www.dkcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/20090430_6911.jpg)